Incorporated since 2010
MOM Lic. No. 10C4649
NEA Lic.No. NEA220501/1578E/R03
ZecruitX has well-trained and experience recruitment consultants who understand and meet clients needs in all industry sectors such as manufacturing (printing, semicon, subcontracting, precision engineering), construction and renovation, services and hospitality, processing to entertainers. Our comprehensive license mean we can apply for all types of work passes - Letter of Consent, Work Permit, Employment Pass, S pass, Entertainment Pass etc.

Listening client's challenges
Listening to our clients human resources immediate and longer term challenges and needs is vital to ensure we plan our services according to our clients needs. We see listening as the crucial first step to meeting and even exceeding our clients expectations.
Actioning to address needs
We lay out action plans with key milestones for our clients to fully understand and approve each steps of the recruitment process from candidate pre-selection, to interview and final selection and contracting. Speed of execution is key in today's fast moving and connected business world.
Reviews and follow-up
No man is an island - the company is only successful with the team it is made of. Hiring the right people to fit into our client's corporate culture and work demand has been our strength and our clients like us for the results we have continuously and consistently delivered.